
Earthquake resistant.

Earthquake resistant.

• The strength and flexibility of steel makes it the go to material for earthquake resistance—our steel frame and CGI roof resists collapse in the event of seismic activity. 

• Our Prefabs are enclosed by a steel band and are completely encased with chainlink fencing giving the structure Gabian Basket style protection. Should walls fall during an earthquake, walls will fall outward, leaving occupants safe from harm.

Easy to build.

Easy to build.

• No welding or special equipment are required. The entire structure is bolted together and can be completed in just 1 to 2 days. 

• All pieces are easily stackable allowing for ultimate portability. Two complete Prefabs fit in a single Mahindra Mini-Truck. 

• Recipients are responsible for finishing the walls, giving them a sense of ownership, responsibility, and customizability.



• Portal Prefabs are designed to be accessible to those who need them most.

• Because our Prefabs are easy to stack, load, and transport, you can save on the cost of delivery.

• Overall costs are greatly reduced by salvaging used windows, doors, and walls from the recipients' old homes or buildings.

Fabricated in Nepal.

Fabricated in Nepal.

• Our Prefabs are designed and built entirely in Nepal and are providing employment to local Nepalese men and women. 

 • All parts, materials, and tools are sourced locally from Nepali distributers, hardware shops, and steel manufacturers. 

• By allowing homeowners to build their own walls using traditional building materials, Portal Prefabs maintain the look and feel of culturally appropriate and traditional buildings.